Merge Sort

What is Merge Sort?

  • Merge sort is an algorithm for rearranging an array.
    • The algorithm divides the array into two halves, recursively sorts them, and finally merges the two sorted halves.

How does merge sort work?

  • Merge sort used the DAC technique.
  • DAC stands for Divide and Conquer.
    • Which means dividing the problem into halves, which will give us sub-problems.
    • Then solves the sub-problems recursively unit it solved.
    • Finally, combine the sub-problems to get the final solution for the whole problem.
  • Check the image below to understand the process.


Here is the pseudocode

ALGORITHM Mergesort(arr)
    DECLARE n <-- arr.length

    if n > 1
      DECLARE mid <-- n/2
      DECLARE left <-- arr[0...mid]
      DECLARE right <-- arr[mid...n]
      // sort the left side
      // sort the right side
      // merge the sorted left and right sides together
      Merge(left, right, arr)

ALGORITHM Merge(left, right, arr)
    DECLARE i <-- 0
    DECLARE j <-- 0
    DECLARE k <-- 0

    while i < left.length && j < right.length
        if left[i] <= right[j]
            arr[k] <-- left[i]
            i <-- i + 1
            arr[k] <-- right[j]
            j <-- j + 1

        k <-- k + 1

    if i = left.length
       set remaining entries in arr to remaining values in the right
       set remaining entries in arr to remaining values in left

Check the image for algorithm trace:

  • Assume arr = [8, 4, 23, 42, 16, 15]

Code implementation

def merge_sort(arr):
    n = len(arr)

    if n > 1:
        mid = n//2
        left = arr[:mid]
        right = arr[mid:]
        # sort the left side
        #  sort the right side
        #  merge the sorted left and right sides together
        merge(left, right, arr)

def merge(left, right, arr):
    i = 0
    j = 0
    k = 0

    while i < len(left) and j < len(right):
        if left[i] <= right[j]:
            arr[k] = left[i]
            i = i + 1
            arr[k] = right[j]
            j = j + 1

        k = k + 1

    while i < len(left):
        arr[k] = left[i]
        i += 1
        k += 1

    while j < len(right):
        arr[k] = right[j]
        j += 1
        k += 1

Time and space complexity

  • Time complexity of Merge Sort is O(n Log(n))
  • Space complexity O(n)

Merge Sort applications

  1. Merge Sort is useful for sorting linked lists in O(n Logn) time.
  2. Inversion Count Problem
  3. Used in External Sorting
